
New Business and Community Education Student Checklist

  1. Fill out the Student Information Form

    Apply to Sauk, call 815-835-6273 if you have any questions.
  2. Register for Classes

    Register for courses through the Office of Admissions and Records during specified dates and times. Students can register on campus via Internet, telephone, fax or mail.
  3. Pay Tuition & Fees

    Pay tuition & fees for your courses in the Business Office (815-835-6267). Forms of payment include cash, check, credit card or apply for a payment plan. Students who register early have until a designated date to pay. After this date, tuition and fees are due on the day you register for classes.
  4. Get the things you need

    Visit the Follett Bookstore to buy your books, supplies and other items to get your semester off to a great start.