Consortium Agreement Policy
Sauk Valley Community College – Consortium Agreement Policy
A consortium agreement is a written contract that enables students to pursue coursework at two institutions simultaneously. Under such an agreement, a student may receive financial aid based on total hours of enrollment at both institutions. Schools are not required to enter into consortium agreements.
Non-degree seeking students may request that SVCC serve as the host school and request a consortium agreement through the applicable home school. If requested and approved, SVCC will serve as the host school when terms of the consortium agreement can be fulfilled. If a degree-seeking SVCC student has a valid and approved academic reason for requesting a consortium agreement, SVCC will serve as the home school.
To qualify for financial aid the student must:
- Be enrolled in a degree-granting program at SVCC and be making satisfactory academic progress as specified by the SVCC Standards of Academic Progress Policy.
- Take courses at the host School which are applicable to their degree program at SVCC.
- Submit a completed consortium form along with a copy of the registration form from the host School to the SVCC Financial Assistance Office.
- Submit grade transcripts from the host School at the end of each semester for which they receive aid through a consortium agreement.
- NOT to be receiving financial aid at the host School.
- Understand he/she is responsible for payment of all charges at the host School.
The application can be accessed at the following link: Consortium Agreement Application.