
SVCC Direct or PLUS Loan Request

The Direct or PLUS Loan Request form completed on this web site tells the Office of Financial Assistance the amount of the loan you are requesting and for what period.  Please review the Direct and PLUS Loan Policy for maximum loan amounts.  The submission of the request form with your student ID number gives the Office of Financial Assistance your permission to process the loan.

The statement shown below will appear on the SVCC Federal Direct and PLUS Loan request form above the submit button. By clicking on the submit button this implies that you understand/agree to the conditions of these statements.

 Statements on the Direct and PLUS Loan Request:

By clicking the following Submit button, you hereby authorize Sauk Valley Community College (SVCC) to forward the Direct Loan, Direct PLUS Loan, or Alternative Loan to the lender indicated above. Clicking this submit button implies that you understand that you must sign the appropriate Master Promissory Note in order to complete the process.  I understand that all correspondence pertaining to the processing of this loan will be through the my SVCC Student e-mail address. Once your loan has been completed you will receive a Loan Approval Form via your e-mail address.


If you have processed a prior loan with SVCC and have completed both the Entrance Counseling and the Master Promissory Note requirement you will have completed the loan request process once you have submitted the Sauk Valley Community College Direct or PLUS Loan request form.

For all first time borrowers at SVCC, continue on to the Loan Counseling and the Master Promissory Note requirement.