Naming Rights
505.02 Naming Rights
This policy serves as a guideline for the Sauk Valley Community College Trustees, the President, and the Director of the Sauk Valley College Foundation (hereafter referred to as “the Foundation”) to assist in the solicitation of gifts. It is established to assure an appropriate reflection of the history of the College as well as consistency, fairness, fitting recognition, and good value in exchange for the honor or privilege of name association with a physical aspect of the College. Sponsorship of physical property on campus through monetary gifts may occur to pay for all or part of a new campus facility or improvement.
- Naming Tributes: Naming may recognize a gift of monetary value appropriate to the facility being named. Such gifts must comprise a substantial portion of the cost. A substantial portion is defined as 75% for a twenty-year duration, 50% for a fifteen-year duration, and 25% for a ten-year duration. The duration of naming shall be agreed to in the naming agreement.
- Donors: Those to be honored with naming opportunities may reflect individuals, families, organizations, foundations, or corporations.
- Guidelines: Giving levels for the naming of physical property will be established through consultation among the College Trustees, Foundation Directors, and President. General guidelines are the following:
- Determination of Current Value: The current value of buildings and other major facilities and of real property shall be determined by the SVCC Finance Office.
- Giving levels may be established with either fixed or minimum dollar amounts for sponsorship of other physical property on campus. Such property may include, but is not limited to, pavers, benches, planters, fountains, gardens, equipment, musical instruments, meeting rooms, classrooms, lounges, theaters, artwork, recreational facilities, and outdoor plazas. Amounts for these naming opportunities will be set and adjusted periodically by Director of the SVCF.
- Rights and Responsibilities: The College President, in consultation with the donor, Foundation, or other appropriate parties, shall make decisions related to naming, not limited to the following:
- Public Announcements: The right to determine content, timing, location, and frequency of any announcements associated with the gift.
- Physical Markers: In order to have consistency of look and design, all plaques or signage will be handled through the SVCC Marketing Department and the design will be part of the SVCC Marketing Style Booklet.
- Care and Maintenance: The right and responsibility to determine and carry out the exact nature of any ongoing care and maintenance of the physical space.
- General Provisions
- Naming recognition should enhance the reputation and prestige of the College and the donor.
- Any legal impropriety or other act that brings dishonor to the College on the part of the donor or a corporate donor shall make the gift and naming subject to reconsideration by the College.
- Where a building or part has been named, the College will continue to use the name so long as the building, part, or facility remains in use and serves its original function, unless otherwise stipulated at the time of gift acceptance.
- Commitments made prior to adoption of this policy shall be honored.
- Final Authority: The final authority for any naming rests with the College Board of Trustees, which reserves the right to consider any and all factors regarding the privilege of name association with the physical aspect of Sauk Valley Community College as particular acts and circumstances warrant.
- 07-24-2017
Cabinet Reviewed:
- 07-16-2024