General Responsibilities, Duties, and Working Conditions for Contractual Employees
General Responsibilities, Duties, and Working Conditions for Contractual Employees
Contractual employees are required to fulfill all duties and responsibilities as specified in their respective job descriptions.
Contractual employees are required to observe proper channels of communications in handling routine operational matters and to express any concerns through their respective supervisors in the same manner as all other College employees.
Contractual employees are responsible for complying with all reporting requirements specified by the College or the external funding agency.
Contractual employees are afforded the following fringe benefits:
Sick Leave: Sick leave for full-time contractual employees will be earned at the rate of one day per month and terminates with the contract expiration date. If the contract is renewed and the employee(s) continue(s), sick leave will be cumulative as in accordance with College policy.
Personal Leave: Three personal days may be taken annually, and these days will be charged against sick leave.
Vacation Leave: Contractual employees will earn vacation at the same rate as the regular employment bears to a comparable college position. All vacations must be taken within the time span of the designated grant.
Tuition Reimbursement: Full-time contractual employees will be eligible for tuition reimbursement only if funds are specifically provided in the grant for such reimbursement.
Tuition Waiver: Full-time contractual employees shall be granted tuition waivers for Sauk Valley Community College courses in the same manner as for other full-time employees.