
Duties and Responsibilities of the President of the College

204.01  Duties and Responsibilities of the President of the College

The President of the College is the chief executive, administrative, and education officer of the community college district and derives authority from, and is responsible to, the Sauk Valley Community College Board of Trustees.  The President's primary responsibility is to provide vision for the College and continuous leadership and direction for the planning and operation of all aspects of the College's programs and services in conformity with Board policies, ICCB and IBHE rules and regulations, and State law.  More specifically, the President is responsible for:

  1. Developing and implementing a progressive and community-responsive College philosophy, including a comprehensive strategic plan that details the institutional mission, vision, goals and objectives, priorities, and resources for the current and long-range needs of the district;
  2. Developing, maintaining, and evaluating the academic programs and student services of the College and creating a climate that enhances student learning, stimulates creative approaches to teaching and learning, and motivates staff, faculty, and students to optimum achievement;
  3. Developing and maintaining an appropriate administrative organization to ensure effective and efficient management of the College and its resources;
  4. Recommending policies for Board action, and implementing those policies adopted by the Board;
  5. Developing and maintaining a personnel operation that includes the recruitment, selection, development, compensation, evaluation, and continuation of all College staff and faculty;
  6. Preparing, recommending, and administrating the annual operating and capital budgets as approved by the Board of Trustees;
  7. Maintaining and making efficient use of existing institutional resources, and creating new resources;
  8. Providing for effective internal and external communications, including keeping the Board informed, being the College's chief spokesperson, and representing the College to the general public;
  9. Providing for the preparation and submission of all reports required by local, state, and national agencies;
  10. Representing and actively participating in appropriate local, state, and national efforts to promote the interests of the College;
  11. Managing the operational affairs of the Board of Trustees, including being its professional advisor by analyzing implications of proposed actions and making recommendations, handling agendas, minutes, policies, and other necessary records;
  12. Representing the College interests as a member of the Sauk Valley Community College Foundation Board of Directors;
  13. Delegating to appropriate staff, faculty, and committees powers and duties listed above as the President deems appropriate for the administration of the College;
  14. Exercising the discretionary power necessary to ensure the continuous efficient operation of the College, and deciding all other administrative matters not outlined above and for which no specific provision has been made in the law or by Board policies; and
  15. Performing any other duties assigned or delegated by the Board of Trustees.


  • 02-12-1979
  • 03-23-1987
  • 12-18-1989

Cabinet Reviewed: