
Personal Laptop Printing (for Students)

If you are looking to print something on campus from your personal laptop / device, there are a few steps to get you there!



First you'll need to login to Papercut and that can be done at print.svcc.edu.

Web Print

On the left navigation, there should be a 'Web Print' option at the bottom.

Printing with Paper Cut using Web Print Step 1

Upload PDF / Printer Choice

Finally, you'll be able to 'Submit a Job>>' which will allow you to choose what printer to print to and what document to print. You'll need to upload a PDF but more formats are planned to be coming soon.

Printing with Paper Cut using Web Print Step 2

Printing with Paper Cut using Web Print Step 3


Printing from Microsoft Word

If you have your file saved in Microsoft Word, you'll need to do this additional step.

  • Go to Print in Microsft Word and change your printer to 'Microsoft Print to PDF'.
  • When you click Print, this will instead bring up a 'Save File as" box where you can save your Word Document as a PDF
If you're using Office 365, you'll most likely have a 'Save as Adobe PDF' option as well. This functions identical to the above steps only easier and quicker. 

You can then upload to Papercut to print to a campus printer!

Microsoft Print to PDF