
WesleyLife, Illini Restorative Care | A Partnership with Genesis

1455 Hospital Rd, Silvis, IL 61282
(309) 865-7130
Web Site URL:
A key component of the service-and-care landscape in the Quad Cities for more than 50 years, Illini Restorative Care offers physical, occupational, and speech therapy for individuals transitioning from hospital stays, in addition to providing an environment for those needing long-term clinical care. Our short-term rehabilitation environment, well-regarded in the eastern Iowa/western Illinois area, is differentiated by therapy involving virtual reality and cutting-edge technology and equipment. We focus on the timely and thorough restoration of our clients’ health and strength so they can return home as quickly as possible. As a WellSpire community, Illini Restorative Care offers the best of its parent organizations — WesleyLife, a leader
Services Provided
Senior-Related Programs and Information

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