Academic Department Listing
Fall 2024 Class Schedule
Choose from one of the following categories:
- (ACC) Accounting
- (AGR) Agriculture
- (ART) Art
- (BIO) Biology
- (BUS) Business
- (CHE) Chemistry
- (CIS) Computer Info Systems
- (CJS) Criminal Justice
- (COM) Communication
- (CSS) College Success Skills
- (DMS) Sonography
- (ECE) Early Childhood Education
- (ECO) Economics
- (EDU) Education
- (EET) Electronics
- (ELA) English Language Arts
- (ELT) Electrical
- (ENG) English
- (FYE) First Year Experience
- (GEO) Geography
- (GSC) Earth Science
- (GSP) Adult Education
- (GSV) Vocational Skills
- (HIS) History
- (HRS) Heating, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning
- (HUM) Humanities
- (IND) Industrial / Technical
- (LAN) Foreign Language
- (MAT) Mathematics
- (MUS) Music
- (NRS) Nursing
- (PED) Physical Education
- (PHL) Philosophy
- (PHY) Physics
- (PSC) Political Science
- (PSY) Psychology
- (RAD) Radiologic Technology
- (SOC) Sociology
- (UAS) Unmanned Aircraft Systems
- (VOC) Allied Health / Continuing Education
- (WLD) Welding